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2016 In Review – Method 2

Posted on December 7, 2016 by Deb Hart

Method 2:

This method will help you to identify what really made a difference in your life this year. Consider your accomplishments month-by-month. You may not have anything significant to list some months and other months may contain several accomplishments. Accomplishments can be something you did, a difficulty that you overcame, a new habit you worked to establish, or an event that occurred. Take time to list your accomplishments, month-by month on a sheet of paper.

Next think through what you learned or how you’ve changed through achieving each accomplishment. Did anything surprise you, disappoint you, or inspire you? Change can seem elusive at times, but when you reflect upon it this way, you may see that there have been many unexpected lessons and changes throughout the year. Big changes may be more apparent, but small changes really add up to make us who we are and give us the wisdom to make good decisions as we move forward in life.

Finally ask yourself these questions:

  • Which of these accomplishments was most important to me?
  • How has each accomplishment set me up for the next life step?
  • How satisfied am I overall with my year?
  • What is missing from my list?
  • What do I need to make more time for?
  • What are my goals and dreams?
Method 2 Example
AccomplishmentsWhat I LearnedResultsAm I Satisfied? What’s Next
JanStarted tracking steps per dayI sit a lot at work and steps need to come before or after workBegan walking on treadmill in morning before workYes, but I need to be more consistent.
FebStarted to track food intakeI’m grazing at nightI added a substantial snack after dinnerYes. I need to work on making better choices for breakfast.
MarchTook family vacationNot to plan too muchI didn’t feel as relaxed as I had hopedWe had a good time, but I will do it differently next time.
AprilHad annual physical and screeningsMy cholesterol is still elevated, my weight is at a healthy BMII looked at my food choices and reduced my fat intakeYes, I am thrilled about my weight. My health is a work in progress and I plan to work even harder next year.
MayFinished remodeling bathroomIt always costs more than you expect, but love the resultsHold off on kitchen remodel until more money is savedYes, glad we put in the effort.
JuneStarted spinning and yoga classesI love them bothPrioritized time to take classesYes, I feel very proud that I was able to add this exercise to my life.
JulyCompleted mid-year budget reviewWe need to save moreDecreased cable TV and cell phone expensesYes and no. I am happy that I am watching the budget closely. More work to be done.
AugustMade a list of extended family and co-workers birthdays. Purchased bulk birthday cards.It feels good to remember people and send them a card on their special day.Better relationshipsYes, I would like to think of more ways to show those around me how much I appreciate them.
SeptemberStarted to work on improving sleep by monitoring time slept for 1 weekWeeknight sleep averaged 6.5 hours, weekend sleep averaged 8 hoursEliminated evening TV watching to hit the sack earlier, less fatigueYes, I need to continue to work on this one. It is really hard to go to bed at my scheduled time.
OctoberI bought small toys in place of candy for trick-or-treatersNone of the kids complained-at least not that I could hearI felt good about promoting my no-added-sugar lifestyleYes, I will continue this tradition.
NovemberHosted Thanksgiving dinner with all bariatric-friendly foodsThere are lots of low-sugar, low-fat recipes available online for traditional holiday foodsNo one could tell that I served no-added-sugar foods, I was complimented on the gravy (low-fat)Yes, next year I will take a no-added-sugar dessert to the dinner hosted by my sister.
DecemberFinished financial management classBetter stock market investment strategiesI’m slightly more comfortable with stock market riskYes and no. I am glad that I put forth the effort to attend the class. I need to look into some alternative investments.

Sit down for a few minutes today and get started with your end of the year review. You don’t have to get it all done at once. By taking that first step right away, you’ll be more likely to follow through and complete this exercise and gain a few key insights about your life and how you want to grow during next year.

Download On Track with Barix: 2016 In Review

Picture of Deb Hart

Deb Hart

Deb Hart is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. For the last 28 years, she has been helping bariatric surgery patients reach their health and weight goals. She teaches people how to set up a lifestyle that supports a healthy weight. Deb set up her own lifestyle to include lots of long walks with her furry family members, workout classes at her local wellness center, meal prepping, and finding new ways to enjoy foods without added sugar.

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