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Spring Cleaning: Post 1

Posted on March 29, 2014 by Deb Hart

Spring is a great time to do a quick check on your habits and clean up those that need it. Keeping a lifestyle that supports a healthy weight is work. It takes discipline. But it is so worth it when you slip on your favorite pair of jeans or bound up a flight of steps with ease. Just like when you spring clean your house, spring cleaning your habits makes you feel fresh and organized.

Let’s jump right in with the big ones: sleep habits, stress management, and time management. Not what you expected for the top three habits for supporting a healthy weight? These three factors are foundational for all of the other habits—once they are optimized, other healthy habits can be put into place.

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Deb Hart

Deb Hart is a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist. For the last 28 years, she has been helping bariatric surgery patients reach their health and weight goals. She teaches people how to set up a lifestyle that supports a healthy weight. Deb set up her own lifestyle to include lots of long walks with her furry family members, workout classes at her local wellness center, meal prepping, and finding new ways to enjoy foods without added sugar.

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